2025 Bills SB 157: Nonjudicial Adjustments Amendments
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Libertas Institute supports this bill
Staff review of this legislation finds that it aligns with
our principles and should therefore be passed into law.
None of us are expected to be legal experts, and this especially applies to our youth. SB 157, sponsored by Senator Stephanie Pitcher, aims to protect juveniles and others unfamiliar with the judicial system facing legal proceedings by mandating that they have counsel assist them when facing these issues before they choose to waive this right. This will safeguard their ability to act in their own best interest and will protect our youth.
The bill will help juveniles make an informed decision on whether or not they choose to accept a nonjudicial adjustment—accepting a probationary agreement instead of facing the penalty determined by the court. This creates transparency for these individuals, and ensures that they can exercise their free choice in legal matters.
Finally, the bill provides further structure to ensure that public defenders for those unable to afford an attorney will be impartial and committed to acting in their client’s best interest. SB 157 is a step to maintaining a just legal system that works for the people, not against them.