Donate to Libertas Institute
Today’s state of affairs makes clear how urgent the need is to push back with ideas, materials, and legal efforts to change hearts, minds, and laws. Be a part of the change today by investing in Libertas Institute:
Libertas Institute is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Your contributions to us are tax deductible.

Other Donation Methods
By Check
Make check payable to:
Libertas Institute, 2183 W Main, Suite A102, Lehi UT 84043
By Wire
Contact our Director of Partnerships, Chad Goote, for wiring instructions.
Use Venmo? Donate to @LibertasNetwork. Or, want to donate crypto? You can avoid capital gains taxes and write off the full amount! Contact us to get our wallet ID.
Legacy Society
The cause of freedom is one that needs long-term investment. Libertas Institute is well positioned to continue this work for many years to come. Help us do this by including our organization in your estate planning.