2025 Bills SB 185: Compensatory Service in Lieu of Fine Amendments
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Libertas Institute supports this bill
Staff review of this legislation finds that it aligns with
our principles and should therefore be passed into law.
When someone commits a minor offense, the government typically imposes fines as a consequence. However, this system creates a lose-lose situation where low-income individuals struggle under the financial burden, while unpaid fines provide no benefit to the community.
Senate Bill 185, sponsored by Senator Stephanie Pitcher, offers an alternative where individuals can perform community service instead of paying fines for eligible offenses. This creates a win-win solution, enabling low-income individuals to meet their legal obligations while positively contributing to their communities. The bill also ensures courts that inform defendants of this option and provide a reasonable timeframe for completion.
Libertas supports this bill because it prevents fines from becoming an excessive source of government revenue, reduces the financial burden on low-income individuals, and provides a constructive path for reintegration into society.