2025 Bills

SB 248: Strengthening Utah’s Psychotherapeutic Therapy Pilot Program

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Libertas Institute supports this bill

Staff review of this legislation finds that it aligns with our principles and should therefore be passed into law.

Last year, Utah chose to allow access to medicinal psilocybin and MDMA treatments here in Utah for patients suffering from depression, PTSD, and other mental health conditions. The pilot was authorized for a three year period and two healthcare systems were given the opportunity to participate.

Since then, neither healthcare system has stepped up into the pilot, so a new bill is needed to allow for a couple healthcare providers who will. These providers have the experience and healthcare credentials to handle such a treatment. Senate Bill 248, carried by Senator Kirk Cullimore will make the needed changes.

These professionals will be able to recommend patients for this novel treatment in the pilot programs. Patients would only use psilocybin or MDMA in a therapy provider’s office, making it easy for law enforcement to distinguish between legal and illicit use. And because patients can only use psilocybin or MDMA under a therapy provider’s supervision, there is no risk that patients will drive while impaired or otherwise act unsafely while under the influence of this medication. Patients would also be provided with critical pre- and post-psychotherapy to help them prepare for and integrate the experience. has struggled amid a mental health crisis for years.

Utah has already recognized the potential of psilocybin and MDMA by passing this pilot into law. SB 248 simply fulfills that potential and helps patients get the care they so desperately need.