2019 Bills
HB 59: Barriers to Government Competing with Private Businesses
Government should maintain a level playing field for private industry—not compete with it. This bill is a step in that direction.
2019 Bills
HB 104: Decreased Regulatory Barriers for Therapy
This bill reduces regulatory barriers that stand in the way between licensed therapists and those who need their services.
2019 Bills
HB 101: Legalizing the Use of Autonomous Vehicles
This bill sets up the legal infrastructure for autonomous vehicles to be able to operate on Utah's roadways.
2019 Bills
HB 121: Medical Autonomy for Terminal Patients
This bill allows a terminal patient to legally access a life-ending drug in limited circumstances.
2019 Bills
HB 114: A Stand Your Ground Law in Utah
This bill protects a person's right to defend themselves using force even if safety could be achieved by retreating.
2019 Bills
HB 90: Occupational Licensure Clarity for Prior Criminals
This bill gives individuals with a criminal record an opportunity to determine whether they qualify for an occupational license.