Utah Judge Orders Mother Not to Teach Her Children About Religion or Politics
Editor’s note: The following is a lightly edited transcription of an interview Libertas Institute conducted with a Utah mother of three whose parental rights have been violated by the judicial system. The comments in this...
Lyft driver in Utah cited $6,500 for providing a service
Editor’s note: Lyft is one of two popular ride-sharing services (Uber being the other) that have faced significant opposition from traditional competitors such as taxi companies. Governments around the country have...
Colorado Hemp Farmer Discusses Prohibition and Protectionism
Editor’s note: Libertas Institute opposes government intervention and regulation in the economy that disadvantages one industry in order to protect another—such has been the case with the agricultural growth of industrial hemp...
Former SWAT Commander Speaks Out on Police Militarization, the War on Drugs, and Civil Liberties
Editor’s note: Libertas Institute has been closely following and influencing policy issues related to the use of police authority including task force raids, police militarization, and forcible entry warrants. Conventional wisdom...
One Father’s Story of His Legally Kidnapped Daughter Being Raised by “Psychological Parents”
Editor’s note: Libertas has been closely following the stories of birth fathers around the country who are defrauded by mothers who exploit weaknesses in Utah law to put their children up for adoption over the wishes—and without...
State Regulators Shut Down Utah Chicken Farm Despite No Complaints
Editor’s note: Libertas staff recently became aware of problems Christiansen Family Farms was having with regulation from the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food. Recent puzzling enforcement actions by state regulators have...