Getting a ticket shouldn’t land you in jail
Something as small as a parking ticket could eventually land you in jail. But what if there was a legal alternative to paying a fine?
What are your rights on government property that you helped pay for?
Your right to exercise speech, especially on property you help pay for, is too important to leave to the uninformed discretion of local government officials.
Hate civil asset forfeiture? Here’s a court case in Utah to follow…
The Utah Highway Patrol seized money from a person not suspected of a crime, and then gave it to the federal government—circumventing state law that prohibited them from doing so.
Could you sue the government if its employees hurt you?
Utah law gives police immunity from being sued if they negligently injure a suspect being pursued in a high speed chase—even in cases where they may not have followed the law.
Changes Needed to Utah’s Domestic Violence Law as Part of Larger Mens Rea Reform
Earlier this week, we released a short video about the need to alter the current state statute on domestic violence. As it stands, the statute is a prime example of how too often the law does not judge a person’s intent,...
Juvenile Justice Reform Recommendations Released
The juvenile justice system is a complex ecosystem of policies, processes, and programs aimed to deter and/or punish minors who commit a crime. With little reform over the years, there has not been sufficient oversight to control...