Should Texas Takeover Houston ISD?
The Texas Education Agency is taking over the Houston Independent School District (ISD), but should they?
The Missing Children Aren’t Actually Missing
Are there really over a million students missing? Following the school closures, 1.3 million students in fact did not return to public schools. But they didn’t move to charter or private schools either. So, what's really going on...
Education Choice a Solution to Changing School Boundaries?
Heartbroken. Devastated. These are the words that one mother used to describe her and her children’s feelings over the school closures coming to Alpine School District.
A Parent’s Only Influence on Public Schools
Teachers and sometimes parents are brought in by the district to choose the new textbook. Parent participation is purely for optics.
Efforts to Open Job Opportunities for People with Criminal Records in Georgia
Unfortunately, in many places across the country a criminal record, even if the crime happened long ago or was minor in nature, can be an impediment to employment.
School Culture Wars
I’m agnostic when it comes to what a child is taught. I am not agnostic when it comes to who decides. In order for parents to decide, we need to allow all of the choices to exist.