A New Special Needs Scholarship Program
This year, the Utah Legislature created a new tax credit scholarship program to help special needs families.
HB 14: Changes to Utah’s Truancy Law
This bill improves parental rights in education by ensuring that truancy punishments do not apply to younger children, and that parents of older children are not criminalized for their truancy.
Utah’s Question 1 is just kicking the can down the road
If more money is truly the goal, then let’s stop kicking the K-12 education gas can down the road. Question 1 merely perpetuates a problem—and it certainly isn’t a solution.
HB 234: Clarifying Illnesses for Excusal from School
This bill would clarify in state law that parents may excuse their children from school not only for physical illness, but mental illness as well.
Excusing Absences: Do Parents Need a Reason?
The Alpine School District offers a great example for how public schools can respect the right of parents to excuse their child's absences.
Another Education Ranking Shows Money Isn’t Everything
A new ranking for Utah teachers suggests that things are going pretty well, providing another reason why the Our Schools Now tax increase is unnecessary.