SB 53: More Regulation for Ride-Sharing Drivers
This bill requires ride-share drivers to get their vehicle inspected, even if it doesn't need it according to current law.
Findings and Recommendations of the Utah Flexible Benefits Working Group
This report was produced as part of the Flexible Benefits Working Group, co-chaired by Senator John Johnson and Representative Ryan Wilcox, which was formed to study Utah’s SB 233, Portable Benefit Plan, and recommend...
SB 238: Better Benefits for Independent Contractors
This bill creates a limited tax credit for contractors who buy portable benefits or other basic insurance.
Why Ditching Passwords is Better for User Privacy
While no system is impervious to every threat, the shift toward biometric passkeys marks a significant stride in online security. It's a marriage of convenience and safety — where your unique biological traits become the key to a...
Out of Work But Optimistic
How can states help people flourish, instead of just surviving, when career setbacks come their way?
SB 233: Pathway to Better Coverage Options for Gig Workers
This bill would offer a pathway for independent contractors and gig workers to access affordable coverage options by clarifying that voluntary contributions from hiring parties will not create an employment relationship.