2019 Bills
SB 102: A Better Way to Fund Higher Education Building Projects
This bill requires a new funding model for higher education institutions to minimize incentives to create expansive and expensive new buildings.
2019 Bills
HB 287: Criminalizing Consensual Sexual Activity
This bill would criminalize professors, teaching assistants and those in positions of power at higher education institutions if they engage in sexual activity with a student.
2018 Bills
HB 387: Lifting the Curtain Off of Higher Education
This bill requires that each higher education institution's "full budget, including a comprehensive chart of accounts" be reported to legislators in a public meeting.
2018 Bills
SB 104: Removing More Money From K-12 Education
Last year $815 million flowed out of the education fund into bloated college and university budgets. This bill takes another $2.5 million and appropriates it for a Higher Education program.