I’m pro-life, so I’m anti-capital punishment
I didn’t always oppose the death penalty. In fact, when someone on my team told me that our organization should take a stand against it, I scoffed. I couldn’t imagine not putting murderers to death for their egregious crimes.
Increasing Justice By Reforming Justice Courts
Some important changes are needed to Utah's justice courts.
Roadside traffic stop or fishing expedition?
The standard for conducting a roadside stop should be raised to prevent unintended biases in policing.
HB 79: Private Attorneys
This bill would allow the courts to consider a request for compensation in limited cases where private citizens have successfully defended the important rights of the public.
Changes Needed to Utah’s Domestic Violence Law as Part of Larger Mens Rea Reform
Earlier this week, we released a short video about the need to alter the current state statute on domestic violence. As it stands, the statute is a prime example of how too often the law does not judge a person’s intent,...
How Juries Can Refuse to Convict People for Breaking an Unjust Law
Editor’s note: The following is a lightly edited interview with Kirsten Tynan, executive director of the Fully Informed Jury Association. The organization works to informed potential jurors about the nature and importance of...