2018 Bills
SB 129: Lowering the Barrier to Entry for Private Investigators
This bill cuts in half the amount of time one must have in experience to start their own private investigator business.
2018 Bills
HB 170: Removing Occupational Cost Barriers to Entry
This bill waives occupational license fees for those on government assistance, reducing the barrier to entry for those who want to work.
2018 Bills
HB 173: Occupational Licensure Portability
This bill allows people licensed in a profession by another state to more easily obtain a license in that same profession in Utah.
Utah should protect the right to work
Utah's Constitution needs to protect what judges no longer do—the right to pursue a peaceful occupation of one's choosing.
Free Market
Occupational Licensure: Public Safety, or Something More?
The state's interest in protecting public safety is too often used as justification for regulations that exceed that limited scope.