Poll: Utahns Overwhelmingly Support Police Reform
Across a wide range of questions, Utah voters clearly feel strongly about police reform in the beehive state.
New Poll Shows Large Majority in Utah Favor Moving Away from the Death Penalty
A new poll conducted by Public Policy Polling, and commissioned through the Utah Justice Coalition, reveals changing attitudes toward the death penalty by Utah residents. The survey of 784 Utah voters, conducted from January 13...
Fourth Poll Shows Majority Support for Medical Marijuana
A newly released Dan Jones poll shows sustained public support for legalizing medical marijuana. According to the poll, 61% of Utahns support legalization—with the strongest numbers coming in from senior citizens. These numbers...
Republicans Increasingly Leaning Libertarian
A new survey of registered voters commissioned by FreedomWorks points to the surging popularity of libertarian principles within the Republican party. According to the results, 78% of Republicans and GOP-leaning independents...