How Utah Is Increasing Transparency for Prosecutors
House Bill 288 requires data collection and reporting from Utah prosecutors and jails.
HB 324: Conviction Integrity Units
This bill establishes guidelines for how prosecutors can set up conviction integrity units to review case that may have been unfairly handled.
Civil forfeiture is worse than its proponents proclaim
A federal prosecutor basically claimed that civil asset forfeiture is no big deal. Here, we respond.
What’s Happening with Plea Deals?
The following op-ed was published by the Salt Lake Tribune this week. “We the jury find the defendant guilty!” It’s a line you may have heard before as a dramatic case closing in a TV show or movie — but you probably haven’t...
Prosecutors need to be held accountable for wrongdoing
Prosecutors who possess a tremendous amount of authority should be subjected to accountability for wrongdoing.
Prosecutors Aim to Sabotage Forfeiture Reform
Police and prosecutors continue to fight efforts to reform civil asset forfeiture—a law allowing them to take property from innocent people not charged with, let alone convicted of, a crime. In the last legislative session,...