2016 Bills
HB67: Weapons on Public Transportation
This bill passed the House 59-12 and passed the Senate 24-2. Libertas Institute supports this bill. Under current law, a person who boards a bus with a firearm—except for law enforcement officials and concealed weapon permit...
2016 Bills
HB44: Establishing Alternative Pathways to Heavy- Handed Licensure
This bill was not considered by the legislature. Libertas Institute supports this bill. A recent nationwide study found Utah to be the 12th most onerously licensed state in the nation. This is a metric that harms free enterprise...
2016 Bills
HB22: Reforming Civil Asset Forfeiture, Protecting Property Owners
This bill passed the House 56-17 but was tabled in a Senate committee. Libertas Institute supports this bill. Utah recently received a “D-” from the Institute for Justice for its forfeiture laws, and the potential for...