Utah’s Top Public Schools Are Charters. Why?
Money isn’t the difference — they both spend just over $10,500 per student. But how they spend the money is.
Public Comments for Proposed National Charter School Guidelines
The following was submitted to the US Department of Education during its public comment window for the proposed update to the national charter school guidelines. Dear Secretary of Education Cardona, The people of Utah are tired...
Education Innovation: Good for Students, Good for Teachers
In my 14-year career, I had never witnessed this amount of innovation and change in education. It was a change that responded to what parents and teachers and the dollars they represent wanted.
Market-Based Tuition Could Be a Game-Changer
An imbalance between major choice and job availability must be corrected by public universities to ensure the continued prosperity of Utah.
Student Free Speech Protected by Supreme Court
Mahanoy v. Levy may have a substantial impact on students’ freedom of expression, but there remains much work to be done.
School Attendance Reforms Put Parents Back in the Driver’s Seat
These bills not only help protect parental rights (as dictated in Utah’s Constitution), but they also provide important support to Utah’s children. Routines and normalcy have been disrupted and it would be wise to give families...