Justice and Due Process
Will Utah Protect Your Right to Privacy When the Supreme Court Won’t?
Your right to privacy has been further eroded thanks to the Supreme Court's recent Strieff decision — but that could change here in Utah, where the case originated.
Justice and Due Process
Know When You Can Say No
Can you legally refuse a police officer's request to search your vehicle?
Justice and Due Process
How can former criminals move on from their past?
Expungements are expensive to obtain and may take up to six months to be approved. But without them, former criminals have a difficult time moving on from their past.
Justice and Due Process
New Data on Civil Asset Forfeiture in 2017
A new report reveals how often, and why, police and prosecutors are taking property from people not convicted of a crime.
Justice and Due Process
Honey, I Think an MRAP Just Went By Our House
Do Utah police really need militarized vehicles?
Justice and Due Process
Second chances for first time offenders
Here's an alternative solution for over-criminalization.