Libertas Legislator Profiles
Legislator Profile: Representative David Lifferth
Name: David Lifferth
Type: Representative
Party: Republican
No longer in office
Follow @DavidLifferth
Type: Representative
Party: Republican
No longer in office

Libertas Legislator Index Rankings
The following rating measures how consistently this legislator votes in support of individual liberty, private property, and free enterprise. To learn more, see the main index page.
2014 | 2015 | 2016 | Overall Rating |
69% | 90% | 90% | 83% |
To see the specific votes used to rank this legislator, click the link in the table above for any of the yearly percentages listed.
Sponsored Ranked Bills
This legislator was the sponsor of the following bills, which were ranked by Libertas Institute in their respective year's Legislator Index.
- HB77: Tax Credit for Home-schooling Parent (2014)
This bill would have provided an income tax credit for homeschooling parents.
Libertas Institute supported this bill. Unlike many tax credits that try to incentivize behavior and are more reflective of central planning than wise tax policy, the direct relationship of the income tax to public education suggests that it makes sense to reduce the income tax burden upon Utahns whose children do not attend government schools.
This bill failed in the House 32-37. Libertas supports a "yea" vote.
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