I’m pro-life, so I’m anti-capital punishment
I didn’t always oppose the death penalty. In fact, when someone on my team told me that our organization should take a stand against it, I scoffed. I couldn’t imagine not putting murderers to death for their egregious crimes.
30-Year Prosecutor Shares Thoughts on the Death Penalty and a Career of Law Enforcement
Editor’s note: The following is a lightly edited interview with Creighton C. Horton II, a retired Utah prosecutor who spent 30 years prosecuting cases in Utah in Salt Lake County and in the Attorney General’s office. His...
Death penalty is unfair, costly and an ineffective deterrent
The following op-ed by our policy analyst, Josh Daniels, was published today in the Salt Lake Tribune. Earlier this year, the state of Utah was widely mocked for considering the re-authorization of firing squads as a form of...