SB 58: Lowering Penalties for Failure to Appear
This bill would repeal a crime that makes it a class B misdemeanor for failure to appear in court.
92% of Utah Voters Support Proposed Bail Reform
A supermajority of Utah voters believe judges need more information before making key decisions about defendants.
SB 33: Allowing for Post-Conviction DNA Testing
This bill would nix an unnecessary and restrictive rule pertaining to DNA evidence testing that could exonerate a wrongfully accused individual.
HB 79: Private Attorneys
This bill would allow the courts to consider a request for compensation in limited cases where private citizens have successfully defended the important rights of the public.
Jail is not for the presumed innocent
If only the wealthy can afford to get out of jail as they await their trial, then the system is in need of reform. Here's one way that can happen.
SCOTUS Hearing Cell Phone Surveillance Case
The U.S. Supreme Court is considering a case where the government accessed the past location information of a person without a warrant.