SB 218: Better Guardrails on Law Enforcement Use of DNA
This bill establishes guardrails around the use by law enforcement of large DNA databases with private user information.
SB 156: Warrantless DNA Searches
This bill enables unconstitutional searches by allowing law enforcement to compel private companies to turn over DNA data.
HB 231: Protecting Your DNA Privacy
This bill restricts the government's ability to go on fishing expeditions in databases containing your DNA information.
Protecting Your DNA From Government Fishing Expeditions
Innocent people should be protected against mass searches by law enforcement in DNA databases.
Private DNA should stay out of the government’s hands
Utah lawmakers will be presented a simple question in January: should police officers be able to go on fishing expeditions in privately owned or crowd-sourced DNA databases?
SB 33: Allowing for Post-Conviction DNA Testing
This bill would nix an unnecessary and restrictive rule pertaining to DNA evidence testing that could exonerate a wrongfully accused individual.