2019 Bills
SB 188: Prohibiting Pelvic Examinations on Sedated or Unconscious Women
This bill prohibits pelvic examinations of unconscious or sedated women by a physician or medical student without the woman's consent.
2019 Bills
HB 121: Medical Autonomy for Terminal Patients
This bill allows a terminal patient to legally access a life-ending drug in limited circumstances.
2015 Bills
SB259: Legalizing Medical Cannabis in Utah
This bill failed in the Senate on a 14-15 vote. Libertas Institute supports this bill. In 1915, 100 years ago, the Utah legislature banned a wide range of drugs, including cannabis. At the same time, the law specifically...
2015 Bills
HB94: The Right to Try Life-Saving Treatments
This bill passed the House 72-1 and passed the Senate unanimously. It was subsequently signed into law by Governor Herbert. Libertas Institute supports this bill. No politician or bureaucrat should stand between doctor and...