2024 Bills
HB 68: Mandatory Prison for Drug Distribution with a Firearm
This bill makes prison mandatory for people who share drugs (including cannabis, psilocybin, etc.) while possessing a firearm.
Davis County program helps police and the mentally ill
Davis county has implemented a new approach toward helping those with mental health and drug addiction problems.
2020 Bills
HB 117: Changing Access to Prescription Drug Records
This bill removes a requirement for police officers to obtain a warrant before accessing a person's prescription drug history.
2019 Bills
SB 43: First-Degree Felony for Distributing Deathly Drugs
This bill makes several changes to criminal law, including making it a first degree felony to cause the death of another person as a result of distributed drugs.
2019 Bills
HB 121: Medical Autonomy for Terminal Patients
This bill allows a terminal patient to legally access a life-ending drug in limited circumstances.
2018 Bills
HB 309: First-Degree Felony for Drug Distributors that Lead to Death
This bill would impose a first degree felony on a drug dealer if they sell to a person who fatally overdoses on the drug.