Utah Businesses Shouldn’t Comply with Biden’s OSHA Vaccine Mandate
The 490-page mandate from OSHA — the federal agency issuing this mandate without Congressional review — has no end date, and also requires business owners to ensure that "each employee who is not fully vaccinated wears a face...
HB 88: An 86% Tax on E-Cigarettes and Supplies
This bill would impose a crushing 86% tax on e-cigarettes and supplies.
SB58: Removing Arbitrary Limits on Nurse Practitioners
This bill was modified from its original version, and then passed both chambers of the legislature unanimously. Government mandates often unreasonably drive up the cost of health care, as regulations place direct burdens on...
More Mothers, and Others, Seeking Expanded Access to Medicinal Cannabis in Utah
Editor’s note: Christine and Tenille are two of the new faces of Utahns seeking increased access to medicinal cannabis in Utah, following last year’s law that narrowly opened up access to a limited group of people....
HB202: Cracking Down on Unlicensed Midwives
This bill failed in committee. Libertas Institute opposes this bill. A woman clearly has the right to birth her own child. She does not need to, but may (and usually does) request the assistance of one or more people to ensure...