2025 Bills
SB 116: State Income Tax Reduction
This bill reduces the individual and corporate income tax rate from 4.55 percent to 4.5 percent.
2025 Bills
SB 85: Automatic Income Tax Reductions for Revenue Windfalls
This bill proposes an automatic state income tax reduction when the state receives a windfall.
2024 Bills
HB 510: Removing Income Tax for Minors
This bill would remove Utah's 4.65% income tax for minors who earn money via W-2 work.
Personal Freedom
Cutting Taxes in Utah Is a No-Brainer
At a time when people are making cuts to their own budget, the state government needs to strongly consider giving back excess revenue to the people it took it from.
2022 Bills
The Year of the (Modest) Tax Cut
A number of changes and reductions to tax burden of Utahns made it through the Legislature in 2022, but what were they?
2022 Bills
SB 59: Income Tax Cuts
This bill will amend the corporate franchise and income tax rates, amend the individual income tax rate, and exempt certain pieces of personal property from sales and use tax.