SB 252: Digital Information Seizure Amendments
This bill ensures that law enforcement promptly returns seized computer devices used for evidence that are not considered contraband and prohibits agencies from requiring owners to unlock or consent to searches as a condition for...
SB 243: Law Enforcement Quota Amendments
This bill prohibits law enforcement agencies from imposing quotas on stops, citations, arrests, or warnings and prevents officers from being evaluated or disciplined based on such quotas.
HB 547: Restrictions on Traffic Ticket Quotas
This bill would abolish the use of quotas as a tool for peace officer evaluation and would prohibit police stations from mandating arrest, stop, citation, or other quotas.
SB 218: Better Guardrails on Law Enforcement Use of DNA
This bill establishes guardrails around the use by law enforcement of large DNA databases with private user information.
HB 336: Punishment for Manipulating a Phone While Driving
This bill punishes drivers who "manipulate" (use) or even hold their cell phone while operating a vehicle.
HB 266: Restricting Amber Alert Abuse
This bill restricts Amber Alerts so they are not used in custody disputes.