HB 317: Heightened Standards for Eminent Domain
This bill requires a local government to provide clear and convincing evidence that taking a property through eminent domain for recreational purposes is truly necessary.
Permit Freedom: Reducing Regulation in Everyday Life
Utahns have the right to reasonable, consistent, and clear rules governing how, when, and to whom permits will be granted.
Kane Co. Is Out of Bounds with Golf Course Proposal
Even if the golf course plans went off without a hitch, financially speaking, the question remains: is this the proper role of government and an appropriate use of taxpayer money? The answer is no.
Problematic Permitting Is More Than Just Annoying
When the permitting process is too complicated, too expensive, or takes too long to accomplish, it's more than just a headache—it can be downright dangerous.
Additional Fees on Your Utility Bill Rob You Blind
The problem with this practice is that it undermines the important difference between a fee and a tax. Fees are payments in exchange for a quantitative public service while taxes cover the remaining immeasurable services that...
Unfair Competition: Government in the Marketplace
What happens when the government competes with the free market to provide non essential services? The practice is all too common and it sabotages both the government and the people.