10 Years Later, Medical Cannabis is Here to Stay
A decade ago today, Libertas Institute kickstarted the effort in Utah to legalize cannabis for medicinal use. And it all began after watching CNN’s “Weed” documentary featuring Dr. Sanjay Gupta on August 11,...
SB 46: Protecting Employment for Medical Cannabis Cardholders
This bill will explicitly protect employees who are medical cannabis cardholders in the same way the state protects those with a controlled substance prescription.
If CVS Can Have a Drive-thru, So Can Curaleaf
After all, the stated purpose of the Lehi cannabis regulation is “to protect the health, safety and welfare of the general public”. Which makes you wonder, how exactly does a ban on drive-thrus accomplish that? The reality is,...
Utah’s medical cannabis program is a success
This op-ed was originally published in the Salt Lake Tribune. Megan Keller, a Provo mom of four, used to suffer 30 seizures every single day. Her epilepsy made it impossible to work, drive or perform regular tasks independently....
SB 170: Reducing Barriers for Medical Cannabis Patients
This bill creates a process whereby doctors can recommend cannabis without having to jump through regulatory hoops.
2020 Improvements to Utah’s Medical Cannabis Law
Here are the main improvements made to Utah's medical cannabis program in 2020.