What is Going On with State Taxes?
We will leave discussions about your withholdings to your tax accountant, but we can try to help you understand what has been going on with state taxes in Utah.
SB 154: Nearly Tripling the Tax on Phones
The state currently charges a "fee" on all phones that is used to fund 911 systems. Senate Bill 154 being run by Senator Wayne Harper increases this "fee" from 9 cents to 25 cents, nearly tripling the tax.
SB 179: Improving the Truth in Taxation Process
This bill alters the Truth in Taxation process for property tax increases to ensure there is transparency and accountability.
HB 252: Electronic Cigarette Taxes and Regulations
This bill passed the House 54-20 and did not receive a vote in the Senate. For several years, Representative Paul Ray has sponsored legislation to enact a heavy tax on electronic cigarettes and their supplies. This year, the...
HB 222: Reducing Double-Taxation of Social Security Benefits
Under this bill, certain retirees would be provided a non-refundable tax credit equal to 4.95% of the social security benefit.
SJR 3: Constitutional Amendment to Reduce a Burdensome Tax
This bill passed the Senate 21-8 and was not heard in the House. Senate Bill 42, sponsored by Senator Dan McCay, aims to enact important policy changes for the Tangible Personal Property tax that imposes heavy compliance burdens...