Regulations for Backyard Chickens?
This is an item in our Local Government Toolkit. Many cities throughout Utah have recognized that the keeping of chickens is compatible with neighborhood living. For example, when properly cared for, the noise and odors...
RV, Camper, and Trailer Parking
This is an item in our Local Government Toolkit. Many residents you represent own products commonly called RVs, campers, and trailers. An issue that sometimes arises is how these are defined and where they are allowed to park. ...
Daytime Curfews for Minors?
This is an item in our Local Government Toolkit. There are at least ten local governments in Utah that make school-aged children who are outside during school hours suspects of a crime. These laws—typically called “Daytime...
How Many People Can Live in a House?
This is an item in our Local Government Toolkit. You are not required to determine a specific number of occupants for residences in the city or county you represent. Nevertheless, some local governments have ordinances that...