The High Price of Retribution: A Case for Repealing the Death Penalty
As with other government programs, freedom-minded individuals have strong reason to be skeptical of the government’s power and practice of executing people.
Income Tax Credit for Home-schooling Families
To track the status of this bill, find it on our Legislation Tracker. Click here to contact the sponsor of the bill to share your thoughts, or click here to email your Senator and Representative about it. Libertas Institute...
SB185: Law Enforcement Transparency
To track the status of this bill, find it on our Legislation Tracker. Click here to contact the sponsor of the bill to share your thoughts, or click here to email your Senator and Representative about it. Libertas Institute...
Strengthening Judicial Oversight of Forcible Entry Warrants
To track the status of this bill, find it on our Legislation Tracker. Click here to contact the sponsor of the bill to share your thoughts, or click here to email your Senator and Representative about it. Libertas Institute...
A Rebuttal to the Attorney General’s Office on Asset Forfeiture
In reaction to our policy analysis highlighting several controversial changes made to forfeiture law in Utah, the Attorney General’s office has issued a response effectively arguing that we are making a big deal out of...
Utah Legislature Unanimously and Unknowingly Gutted a 2000 Citizen Initiative
Below is the executive summary for our newly released policy analysis, “Asset Forfeiture in Utah.” To read the entire report, click here. A 2000 citizen initiative that passed by 69% of the vote in Utah introduced...