HB48: Banning Adults from Possessing Powdered Alcohol
To track the status of this bill, find it on our Legislation Tracker.Click here to contact the sponsor of the bill to share your thoughts, or click here to email your Senator and Representative about it. Libertas Institute...
HB285: Tearing Down the Zion Curtain, and Removing the “Intent to Dine” Requirement
After passing out of committee successfully, this bill was not heard by the House. Visit our Legislative Index to see the final vote rankings for the 2014 general session. Libertas Institute supports this bill. A new bill by...
80 Years Ago, Prohibition Died. Or Did It?
On December 5, 2013, the 18th amendment to the U.S. Constitution was repealed, terminating the federal prohibition on “the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors.” A failed 13-year experiment on...
Guns and Booze: Another Comparison
Derek Monson, Director of Public Policy at Sutherland Institute, recently had an op-ed published in which he advocated for a policy proposal his organization will be pushing in Utah’s next legislative session, which begins...
Hyde Park: A Snapshot of Moralistic Statism
I have never tasted an alcoholic beverage in my life. I don’t see the need, I have no desire, and recognizing the dangers drinking can produce, I caution others to avoid it. In other words, I am like many Utahns: socially...
All Liquor Laws Boil Down to This
A recent article in the Deseret News highlights the most recent iteration of the never-ending struggle between restaurants, legislators, and assorted busybodies over Utah’s arcane liquor laws. This time, the battle is over an...