Why Libertas Supports ESAs
An ESA is designed to put parents in control of the state funding for their child. Parents are able to then make decisions about what education option is best for their student.
The Nation’s Report Card Is In, and It’s Straight Fs
We have an opportunity to dramatically improve education in Utah. We don’t need industrial style schooling. We need education that meets the individual needs of our students.
The Inequality of School Zoning Laws
The biggest hurdle facing education entrepreneurs is zoning and occupancy rules.
Opposition to School Choice is Crumbling
Critics of school choice have learned a valuable lesson. They cannot stop the school choice movement.
Rural Communities Understand Rural Education
Do the newly crowned state reading specialists understand the reading needs of a sheep rancher’s son? Probably not. But I know who does: the parents and teachers in these communities.
Back to Other Schools
This is a time of year that is filled with hope for many children. Unfortunately, it can be a time of dread for others. But it doesn’t have to be. Parents have many other options.