The PRO Act would hurt independent contractors in Utah
The PRO Act may strip hard-working Utahns of jobs altogether. After the implementation of AB 5 in California (which the PRO Act is modeled after), thousands of people were simply let go from their contract jobs instead of being...
HB 439: Protecting Peer-to-Peer Networks
This bill would prohibit regulators from attempting to regulate peer-to-peer car-sharing or rental companies in a similar fashion to a traditional car rental company.
SB 209: Helping Utah Embrace the Future of Work
This bill clarifies existing worker laws to ensure that companies merely serving as a platform to provide work opportunities to Utahns are not mislabeled as that worker's employer. Libertas Institute supports this bill. The...
Utah Will Reap the Benefits of Embracing the Gig Economy
When thinking about the future of work, it is important to consider how the shifting dynamics of the work environment will impact the way Utahns interact with one another.
How the gig economy will be key to Utah’s COVID-19 recovery
Supporting innovative gig companies will provide more Utahns with easier access to jobs which is extremely important during this pandemic.