No, dog trainers and boarders do not need strict licensing
The knee-jerk reaction to more tightly regulate industries and professions every time a customer is dissatisfied tends to hurt honest professionals, who are just trying to do their jobs, more than it prevents negative outcomes.
Blow Dry Bars: Another Successful Example for Licensure Reform
This legislation does not put customers in any danger, but it does create the ability for more individuals to become employed and avoid all of the challenges surrounding the lengthy licensing process.
Occupational Licensure Streamlined in Utah for Thousands
Over 4,500 Utahns have now gone through a simplified occupational licensure process.
Governor Cox’s First Item of Business: Reform Occupational Licensure
The first executive order by the new administration was to review occupational licensure. Here's why that's a good thing.
New Occupational Licensing Reforms Come to Utah
Utah’s government has generally strict licensing requirements, most requiring classroom and clinic hours as well as a comprehensive test. One problem with this system is that it does not adequately account for people who are...
HB 278: Removing State Licensure for Court Reporters
This bill replaces a state licensing requirement with a certification process for court reporters.