School Attendance Reforms Put Parents Back in the Driver’s Seat
These bills not only help protect parental rights (as dictated in Utah’s Constitution), but they also provide important support to Utah’s children. Routines and normalcy have been disrupted and it would be wise to give families...
HB 116: Excused Absence Without a Doctor’s Note
This bill allows parents to excuse their children from government schools due to an illness without requiring a doctor's note.
HB 81: Mental Health as an Excused School Absence
This bill allows parents to excuse their children from government schools for issues pertaining to mental health.
HB 241: Compulsory Kindergarten in Utah
This bill makes Kindergarten mandatory for 5-year-olds and intervenes into homeschooling families who avoid the government school system for these young children.
HB 14: Changes to Utah’s Truancy Law
This bill improves parental rights in education by ensuring that truancy punishments do not apply to younger children, and that parents of older children are not criminalized for their truancy.
Utah Judge Not Following New Medical Cannabis Law
A Utah mother is being targeted by a judge for having THC in her system, despite being legally allowed to.