HB 295: Relaxing Educator License Requirements
This bill allows individuals who complete certain educator training programs, without receiving a bachelor's degree, to obtain an educator license from the State Board of Education.
COVID has changed education forever. Let’s embrace the new direction.
There are a few solutions schools should pursue in aiming to be more flexible.
HB 116: Excused Absence Without a Doctor’s Note
This bill allows parents to excuse their children from government schools due to an illness without requiring a doctor's note.
HB 81: Mental Health as an Excused School Absence
This bill allows parents to excuse their children from government schools for issues pertaining to mental health.
HB 14: Changes to Utah’s Truancy Law
This bill improves parental rights in education by ensuring that truancy punishments do not apply to younger children, and that parents of older children are not criminalized for their truancy.
HB 120: Overreaction in the Name of School Safety
This bill proposes to spend $100 million on school safety efforts (which aren't defined in law), and sets up a central database with students' information that law enforcement can access.