2021 Bills
HB 373: Reducing Criminal Offenses After Conviction
This bill would allow the courts to lower a criminal penalty upon successful completion of parole.
2021 Bills
SB 204: Reducing Regulation in Everyday Life
This bill establishes consistent standards for the permit application process.
2021 Bills
SB 195: Restrictions on Emergency Powers
This bill imposes a number of new restrictions on emergency orders, limiting executive authority by empowering legislative bodies to override health orders that restrict people's rights.
2021 Bills
HB 329: Clearing Civil Records
This bill allows for individuals to delink their names with civil records when the case was dismissed.
2021 Bills
HB 311: Driving Sentencing Provisions
This bill lowers criminal penalties to create consistency between driving with measurable substances and DUI penalties.
2021 Bills
HB 342: Guidelines for Recreational Government Enterprises
This bill establishes certain guidelines for local governments if they wish to compete with private entities in the recreation and entertainment market.