The 2015 Real State of the State
Earlier this week, Governor Gary Herbert addressed government officials and members of the public to deliver his annual “State of the State” address. He touched on education, Medicaid expansion, criminal justice...
GOED Gave Special Perks to Goldman Sachs, Disadvantaged Overstock
Earlier this week, a new audit of the Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GOED) was announced and discussed, in which the government agency was accused of manipulating data, misleading the public, and giving special...
New Audit Fires Accusations at Governor’s Office of Economic Development
A newly released audit of the Governor’s Office of Economic Development—an institution of which we have often been critical—claims that their primary tactic to lure business into the state entails “questionable...
Potential Daylight Saving Time Changes in Utah
“It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom.” –Aristotle Perhaps it was this Aristotelian proverb that led Congress to pass the Standard Time Act of 1918 establishing both a...
Tax Dollars for a Gun Range?
During the recent legislative session, word broke out that the financially failing Swanson Tactical Training Center in Ogden, Utah, was looking for an easy exit. Having appraised the facility for north of $11 million, the...
GOED Responsible for Doling Out Over $800 Million in Tax Breaks
Let’s get our biases out of the way first: we’re not fans of the Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GOED). While we all want to see new job creation, a healthy economy, and companies choosing to locate...