If Your Occupational License Is Suspended, You Might Be Out of Options
Licensing restrictions are housed in individual states' statutory or administrative laws. At first, these seemingly innocent laws appear to simply define what a specific occupation is and what a practitioner of the occupation may...
Relocation Shouldn’t Mean Losing Your License
With these compacts, if you are a licensed physical therapist in Texas and Texas has engaged in a compact with Utah, you could move to Utah and immediately begin work in your profession.
Occupational licensing can make the labor shortage worse
A Utah State University study estimated that occupational licensing in the United States is responsible for 2.8 million fewer jobs and costs to consumers exceeding $20 billion annually.
New labor rule may harm Utah’s economy and increase education costs
The following op-ed, co-authored by our policy analyst Josh Daniels, was published this week in the Deseret News. Regardless of who is elected as president in November, Utah employers will likely “feel the bern” of...
Organized Labor in a Free Society
“Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in ancient Greek republics: Freedom for slave owners.” —Vladimir Lenin Labor Day is an interesting holiday for those that love liberty. For some, Labor Day...
By the Sweat of Thy Brow: Property, Taxation, and Theft
Adam was told by God that “By the sweat of thy brow shalt thou eat bread…” (Genesis 3:19). This was man’s introduction to the basic principle of self-reliance. Another translation of the same verse of...