Our Lawsuit Over HB43 Settled: A Victory for Free Association in Utah
Last November, along with the Utah Taxpayers Association, we sued the state seeking to overturn a clearly unconstitutional law requiring disclosure of information about our donors. Today, due to the great work of attorneys from...
Utah Attorney General’s Office Seeks to Dismiss Common Core Lawsuit
One year ago, Libertas Institute announced a lawsuit against the State Board of Education over its adoption of Common Core, alleging that the Board had violated two laws in so doing—both of which dealt with public notice and...
New Common Core Lawsuit Fights for Local Control
The following op-ed, written by Connor Boyack, was published this weekend in the Deseret News. Two weeks ago, Governor Herbert held a press conference to announce that he’s “listening” to Common Core critics and that he has asked...
Deadbeat Dad, or Deceived Dupe? How Utah Legalizes Conspiracy and Kidnapping
Yesterday, a group of fathers from around the country filed a federal lawsuit against the state of Utah in federal court for “legalized fraud and kidnapping.” For years, Utah law has allowed biological mothers to leave biological...