HB 167: Psychotherapy Mental Health Task Force
This bill creates a task force to study the potential use of psychotherapy drugs for mental health.
SB 28: Increasing Access to Mental Health Care Providers
This bill expands the scope of practice for physician assistants who specialize in mental health, providing greater and more affordable access to mental health care for Utahns.
HB 116: Excused Absence Without a Doctor’s Note
This bill allows parents to excuse their children from government schools due to an illness without requiring a doctor's note.
HB 81: Mental Health as an Excused School Absence
This bill allows parents to excuse their children from government schools for issues pertaining to mental health.
Davis County program helps police and the mentally ill
Davis county has implemented a new approach toward helping those with mental health and drug addiction problems.
Parents Can Excuse a Child from School for Mental Illness
A new law clarifies that parents can excuse their child from government schools not only for physical illnesses, but mental ones also.