How Safe Are Psychotherapeutics?
Drug policy, like all policy, should be based on facts. In this case, the facts show that psychotherapeutics are safer and less harmful than alcohol and not deserving of their Schedule I classification.
HB 392: Restoring the Failed Vehicle Safety Inspection Program
This bill restores Utah's failed mandatory vehicle safety inspection program.
SB 31: Restoring Some Mandatory Vehicle Safety Inspections
This bill would re-introduce mandatory vehicle safety inspections for vehicles sold by a used car dealer.
HB 64: Unreasonable Restrictions on Cell Phone Use
This bill would prohibit you from making or receiving phone calls while driving unless you only used hands-free technology to do so.
Enter to Learn, But Leave Your Rights at the Door
Because police officers are increasingly being used in school settings, parents—and the broader public—should be informed as to how and when they are questioning or disciplining young students.
HB 319: Repealing Vehicle Safety Inspections
This bill was not considered by the legislature. Libertas Institute supports this bill. Over the past few decades, several states have repealed the requirement for drivers to have their vehicles annually tested for safety; at...