Trump Won: Now End Fed Ed
Ending the Department of Education gives kids a chance to succeed by putting power back where it belongs - with parents.
Homeschooling Isn’t the Problem
Gavin Peterson’s family pulled him out of school to homeschool after allegations of abuse were brought against the father. The end result was a tragic death, leading some to call for more regulation of homeschool families.
Disruptive Children Deserve Support, Not Isolation
Schools, stop using these isolation rooms and techniques. They don’t help you or the students you work with.
Microschools: A Lifeline for Unique Learners
Microschools are not just an option, but a lifeline to parents seeking an education that meets the needs of their children.
Demand Surges for Utah Fits All Scholarships
There is clearly demand for this program, and we can afford to do even more to make Utah a hub for educational innovation and let parents make the choices they feel are best for their kids.
Traditional Schools Kill Curiosity
Teachers often say they want children to ask questions, but the unfortunate reality is that traditional schools discourage child curiosity.