What Do We Mean By Liberty, Exactly?
Since our launch, we’ve fielded a variety of questions from curious Utahns wondering more about what we’re up to. One question recently came in which merits a public response. A reader asks: In your view, what is...
By the Sweat of Thy Brow: Property, Taxation, and Theft
Adam was told by God that “By the sweat of thy brow shalt thou eat bread…” (Genesis 3:19). This was man’s introduction to the basic principle of self-reliance. Another translation of the same verse of...
Over 500 Utahns ask Governor Herbert to call a special session to nullify Obamacare
Rapidly growing list of Utahns want to see Herbert be a leader on this issue. Salt Lake City, UT, July 10, 2012 — In one 24-hour period, Libertas Institute has collected petitions from over 500 Utahns requesting that Governor...
Nullify Obamacare
Conservatives across America were shocked to see Chief Justice John Roberts side with the liberal wing of the Supreme Court in upholding the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, more commonly...
The Tenth: A Superfluous Amendment?
It is significant that included in the Bill of Rights, which was designed to protect our natural rights of liberty and property, is a constitutional amendment that reiterates the limited powers of the federal government and...
Believing in Liberty
Many believe in theoretical liberty but aren’t ready to see it in practice. There is a long tradition of liberty in this country. It was a desire for greater liberty that moved early revolutionaries to challenge the greatest...