Libertas Legislation Tracker
Out of the 800+ bills introduced each year, Libertas Institute highlights those that have a particular interest to our mission.
NOTE: New bills are regularly added, and as the session progresses we will update the status of each bill here on the Tracker. Check back often!
Key: Libertas supports the bill Libertas opposes the bill Libertas considers these bills its top priority for the session
Click here to view a readable list of the bills included in this index, along with their summaries and explanations.
Tip: You can hover over any of the rows in the table below to see a summary of what it is and why we support or oppose it. Click any table cell in the header to re-sort the entire table.
Proposed bills |
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Bill | Title | Sponsor | LI's position | Status | Votes | Actions |
Zoning for More Homes With local government approval, this bill enables home builders that are willing to construct smaller or lower priced homes (in some circumstances) the ability to construct more homes than the current zoning allows. | Dunnigan, J. | Support | Pending Senate action | House cmte 6-0 House 58-9 Senate cmte 4-0 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
Efficient Energy Permitting This bill makes updates to environmental permitting, including plantwide applicability limitations and permit by rule registration. | Clancy, T. | Support | Pending Governor Action | House cmte, 10-2 House 64-9 Senate cmte 2-1 Senate 23-1 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
Secondary Offense for Window Tinting This bill prohibits law enforcement from requesting license or registration suspension for window tint violations, even if repeated. | Lisonbee, K. | Support | Pending Governor action | House cmte 9-0 House 69-1 Senate cmte 5-0 Senate 26-0 | Email the Governor | |
Clarifying Fraud and Misrepresentation Definitions This bill eliminates vague and restrictive language, ensuring that only clear cases of fraud or misrepresentation are penalized. | Lee, T. | Support | Pending Governor action | House cmte 8-2 House 74-0 Senate cmte 6-0 Senate 22-0 | Email the Governor | |
Denying contact Info to Teacher's Unions This bill prohibits school districts from selling teachers' contact information to third parties, including organizations like teacher unions. | Lee, T. | Support | Pending Governor action | House cmte 12-0 House 69-1 Senate cmte 3-1 Senate 16-5 | Email the Governor | |
Unneccesary Criminal Penalties for Referees This bill makes an assault against a referee during a sporting event considered a more severe offense than against other individuals. | Hawkins, J. | Oppose | Pending Senate action | House cmte 7-0 House 54-17 Senate cmte 5-3 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
Exempting More Tangilble Personal Property From Taxation This bill increases the tangible personal property tax exemption from $25,000 to $100,000. | Kyle, J | Support | Pending committee action | Email your Senator/RepEmail the committee | ||
Nonjudicial Adjustments Amendments This bill ensures that minors are properly informed of their right to legal counsel during juvenile proceedings, including nonjudicial adjustments, and mandates the provision of legal advice when a minor considers waiving counsel. It also strengthens indigent defense services. | Pitcher, S. | Support | Pending committee action | House cmte 13-0 House 73-0 Senate cmte 4-0 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the committee | |
Removing Accreditation Requirements This bill removes the requirement for bachelor's degrees to be accredited for non-medical licenses that include a licensure exam as part of the process. | Gricius, S. | Support | Pending Senate action | House cmte 11-0 House 73-0 Senate cmte 5-0 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
Re-Entry Modifications This bill directs the Department of Corrections to use these funds for rehabilitation and reentry services. | Clancy, T. | Support | Pending Governor action | House cmte 9-0 House 71-0 Senate cmte 7-0 Senate 21-0 | Email the Governor | |
Lower Priced Triplexes and Quadplexes This bill would allow triplexes and quadplexes to be regulated under the International Residential Code (IRC) rather than the more stringent International Building Code (IBC). | Ward, R. | Support | Pending Governor action | House cmte 8-0 House 71-1 Senate cmte 3-0 Senate 22-0 | Email the Governor | |
Dry Needling Amendments This bill creates a registration requirement for an occupational therapist to perform dry needling, expands the definition of both physical therapy and occupational therapy to include dry needling, and creates a registration requirement for an occupational therapist to engage in dry needling. | Cutler, P. | Support | Pending Senate action | House cmte 12-0 House 73-0 Senate cmte 6-0 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
Limiting the Utah Fits All Scholarship This bill puts unreasonable restrictions on Utah Fits All scholarship recipients, including prohibiting any service that can also be provided by the local district. | Dailey-Provost, J. | Oppose | Introduced | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | ||
Making it Easier to Homeschool This bill eliminates the homeschool affidavit, allowing parents to start with a letter of intent and removes the need to reaffirm homeschooling after moving. | Peck, N. | Support | Pending Governor action | House cmte 14-0 House 69-1 Senate cmte 7-0 Senate 20-5 | Email the Governor | |
Smarter Power Grids for Utah This bill establishes a grid enhancing technologies program to modernize Utah’s energy grid. | Watkins, C. | Support | Pending Governor action | House cmte 11 - 0 House 74-0 Senate cmte 5-0 Senate 26-0 | Email the Governor | |
Redundant Criminal Penalties This bill seeks to create an additional criminal offense for an act that is already illegal under existing law. | Jack, C. | Oppose | Pending committee action | Email your Senator/RepEmail the committee | ||
Right to Records This bill ensures that accident reports and records are more easily accessible by involved parties | Stoddard, A. | Support | Pending Governor action | House cmte 6-0 House 73-1 Senate cmte 6-0 Senate 25-0 | Email the Governor | |
Digital Asset Investment and Mining Protection This bill empowers the state treasurer to invest in qualifying digital assets, protects digital asset mining, and establishes requirements for investing in digital assets. | Teuscher, J. | Support | Pending Senate action | House cmte 8-1 House 38-34 Senate cmte 4-2 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
Help for Urban Farmers - Simpler Property Tax Assesment This bill clarifies that land dedicated to urban farming qualifies for agricultural tax treatment if it generates at least $1,000 in annual gross sales per quarter-acre. | Shipp, R.P. | Support | Pending Senate action | House cmte 7-0 House 67-0 Senate cmte 5-0 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
Expanding Property Rights for Rural Landowners This bill enables property owners of at least 50 acres of agricultural land in a county of the third, fourth, fifth, or sixth class to create a "minor subdivision" which enables them to carve out lots as small as one-acre from the larger parcel. | Chew, S. | Support | Pending Governor action | House cmte 5-0 House 73-0 Senate cmte 3-0 Senate 24-0 | Email the Governor | |
More Unnecessary Regulations for Short-Term Rental Operators This bill does not enhance anyone's rights to operate a short-term rental on their property. Instead, the bill enables cities to require the inclusion of their permit number on a short-term rental listing and enables cities to request the removal of the listing if the short-term rental is operating in violation of business license or zoning requirements. | Walter, N. | Oppose | Pending House action | House cmte 8-0 House 48-23 Senate cmte 3-2 Senate 27-1 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
Eliminating Higher Ed Inefficiencies This bill requires public colleges and universities to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of each of their academic programs. | Peterson, K. | Support | Pending Governor action | House cmte 10-3 House 63-9 Senate cmte 6-1 Senate 21-5 | Email the Governor | |
Limiting Public Unions This bill requires public labor unions to recertify that they represent at least 50% of the employees every 5 years. It also prohibits government entities from using public resources to support the labor union. | Teuscher, J. | Support | Governor Signed | House cmte, 11-4 House, 42-32 Senate cmte, 4-3 Senate 16-13 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
Protecting Baby Privacy This bill ensures parents have the right to opt out of newborn medical testing, and if they do consent, they must have an understanding of how the data will be used, stored, and eventually destroyed | Pierucci, C. | Support | Pending Senate action | House cmte 12-0 House 67-0 Senate cmte 4-0 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
Unlicensed Driver Amendments This bill allows law enforcement to seize a person’s vehicle without a warrant and force them to submit to fingerprinting if they fail to provide a physical driver’s license, even if they pose no public safety risk. | Macpherson, M. | Oppose | Pending Senate action | House cmte 9-3 House 55-14 Senate cmte 4-3 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
Criminalizing Absent Students This bill and substitute changes the bill from criminalizing truancy to studying why students are absent from school. | Stoddard, A. | Support | Failed in cmte | House cmte 10-1 House 51-17 Senate cmte 2-2 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
Allowing School Taxes to be Referred This bill allows taxes imposed by a school district to be referred and possibly overturned by the local residents. | Shipp, R.P. | Support | Failed in cmte | House cmte 7-3 House 40-33 Senate cmte 3-4 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
Driver's License Suspension Amendments This bill requires the Drivers License Division to notify affected individuals at risk of license suspension by certified mail and provide an opportunity for a hearing. | Loubet, A. | Support | Introduced | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | ||
Social Media User Data Swapping This bill would force social media companies to re-engineer their platforms so that it’s easier to track users across different services. | Fiefia, D. | Oppose | Pending House action | House cmte 9-0 House 64-1 Senate cmte 7-0 Senate 20-5 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
Integrating AI for Better Mental Health Outcomes This bill would provide guidance and certainty for mental health practitioners who use AI chatbots in their practice. | Moss, J. | Support | Pending Governor action | House cmte 9-0 House 70-0 Senate cmte 5-0 Senate 28-0 | Email the Governor | |
Utah Fits All Clarifications This bill clarifies permitted scholarship purchases and creates an ability for unspent funds to rollover for later purchases. | Pierucci, C. | Support | Pending Governor action | House cmte 13-0 House 69-0 Senate cmte 6-0 Senate 25-1 | Email the Governor | |
Automatic License Plate Reader Amendments This bill provides for improved guardrails and oversight of automatic license plate readers used and accessed by law enforcement and transportation management. | Chevrier, K. | Support | Pending Senate action | House cmte 10-0 House 64-2 Senate cmte | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
Limiting Onerous Licensing and Regulation Costs This bill limits state agencies’ compliance costs, lets citizens challenge burdensome occupational rules through the Office of Professional Licensure Review, and mandates agency justification or repeal within 90 days. | Wilcox, R. | Support | Pending House action | House cmte 11-1 House 66-0 Senate cmte 3-1 Senate 27-0 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
Public Comment is Not Trespassing This bill prohibits school districts from issuing trespass notices to parents and other citizens for participating in public comment. | Macpherson, M. | Support | Pending Senate action | House cmte 9-1 House 49-19 Senate cmte 3-2 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
A Call to Streamline Utah's Housing Policies This resolution calls for the streamlining and consolidation of Utah's various housing policies. | Whyte, S. | Support | Pending Senate action | House cmte 7-0 House 60-4 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
Improved Notification for Property Tax Relief Eligibility This bill requires annual property tax notices to include a statement informing property owners aged 75 and older about potential eligibility for property tax deferral, along with a telephone number for further information. | Fillmore, L. | Support | Pending Senate action | Senate 25-0 House cmte 10-0 House 73-0 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
Less Eminent Domain Usage for Utilities This bill mandates that when the government seeks to use eminent domain to acquire land for certain utility infrastructure, it must prioritize utilizing federal public lands over private property. | Owens, D.R. | Support | Pending Governor action | Senate Cmte 7-0 Senate 24-0 House cmte 8-1 House 63-6 | Email the Governor | |
Automatic Income Tax Reductions for Revenue Windfalls This bill proposes an automatic state income tax reduction when the state receives a windfall. | Fillmore, L. | Support | Introduced | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | ||
State Income Tax Reduction This bill reduces the individual and corporate income tax rate from 4.55 percent to 4.5 percent. | McCay, D. | Support | Introduced | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | ||
Splitting Public and Private Programs in SOEP This bill separates the public and private statewide online education program in two programs. | Cullimore, K. A. | Support | Pending House action | Senate cmte 5-1 Senate 23-3 House 8-4 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
License Plate Reader Amendments This bill allows a government entity to use information and data obtained from an automatic license plate reader for certain law enforcement purposes, including certain instances where the information was not obtained by a warrant. | Owens, D.R. | Oppose | Pending Senate action | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | ||
Turning App Stores into Age Gates This bill establishes age verification and parental consent requirements for app store providers and developers to protect minors using mobile apps. | Weiler, T. | Oppose | Pending Governor action | Senate cmte 7-0 Senate 24-1 House cmte 9-0 House 64-3 | Email the Governor | |
Municipal Broadband Service Amendments This bill ensures municipal broadband proposals are subject to adequate transparency and accountability for residents to make an informed decision. | Fillmore, L. | Support | Pending House action | Senate cmte 5-0 Senate 26-0 House cmte 7-2 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
Zoning for New and Innovative Businesses This bill ensures that cities and counties establish a clear, transparent process for entrepreneurs seeking to have new or innovative business types added to local zoning ordinances. It also sets a firm 60-day deadline for local governments to approve or deny such applications. | Musselman, C.R. | Support | Pending House action | Senate cmte 6-0 Senate 23-0 House cmte 6-0 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
Compensatory Service in Lieu of Fine Amendments This bill allows individuals convicted of certain offenses, including traffic violations, to perform community service instead of paying fines. | Pitcher, S. | Support | Pending House action | Senate cmte 6-0 Senate 22-0 House cmte 6-0 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
Increased Property Tax Relief for Seniors This bill increases the income thresholds necessary to qualify for two of Utah’s Property Tax Relief programs. | Abbott, N. | Support | Introduced | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | ||
AI Disclosure Enforcement This bill would require certain regulated occupations to be clear when a customer is interacting with AI instead of a certified professional. | Cullimore, K. A. | Support | Pending House action | Senate cmte 5-0 Senate 24-0 House cmte 7-0 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
Law Enforcement Quota Amendments This bill prohibits law enforcement agencies from imposing quotas on stops, citations, arrests, or warnings and prevents officers from being evaluated or disciplined based on such quotas. | Weiler, T. | Support | Pending House action | Senate cmte 6-0 Senate 27-1 House cmte 8-0 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
Strengthening Utah’s Psychotherapeutic Therapy Pilot Program SB 248This bill ensures that Utah’s medicinal psilocybin and MDMA pilot program can move forward by allowing qualified healthcare providers to participate after the initial healthcare systems declined to do so. | Cullimore, K. A. | Support | Pending Senate action | Senate cmte 5-0 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
Digital Information Seizure Amendments This bill ensures that law enforcement promptly returns seized computer devices used for evidence that are not considered contraband and prohibits agencies from requiring owners to unlock or consent to searches as a condition for return. | Weiler, T. | Support | Pending House action | Senate cmte 7-0 Senate 25-0 House cmte 8-1 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
Updating IDs in the Digital Age This bill is a first step toward identification that is anonymous, privacy protective, and fully voluntary. | Cullimore, K. A. | Support | Pending Governor action | Senate cmte 4-0 Senate 25-0 House cmte 8-0 House 68-0 | Email the Governor | |
Young Entrepreneurs Tax Relief Act This bill provides a nonrefundable state income tax credit for self-employed individuals 19 years old or younger, covering their state income tax liability up to a $3,000 maximum. | Balderree, H. | Support | Introduced | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | ||
Reducing Microschool Regulations This bill reduces regulation on microschools allowing microschools in churches, museums, libraries and similar buildings. | Fillmore, L. | Support | Pending House action | Senate cmte 5-1 Senate 21-6 House cmte 10-1 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
Property Tax System Improvements This bill encourages local governments to lower property taxes by eliminating the requirement to undergo the truth-in-taxation process if, after cutting taxes, they later need to restore them back their original level. | McCay, D. | Support | Pending House action | Senate cmte 4-0 Senate 24-0 House cmte 10-0 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
Reducing Cosemetology Requirements This bill reduces barriers to entry in the cosmetology and beauty industry while maintaining consumer choice. | Sandall, S. | Support | Pending House action | Senate cmte 5-1 Senate 24-4 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor | |
General Education Act This bill creates the Center for Civic Excellence at Utah State University to oversee general education with a focus on civic discourse, foundational texts, and transparency. | Johnson, J. | Support | Pending Governor action | Senate cmte 5-1 Senate 25-4 House 68-3 | Email the Governor | |
Higher Threshold for New Taxes Enacted by Initiative This resolution proposes requiring a 60% supermajority vote from Utahns to pass any statewide initiative that imposes a new tax, increases an existing tax rate, or expands an existing tax to cover additional items or transactions. | Fillmore, L. | Support | Pending House action | Senate cmte 4-1 Senate 21-8 House cmte 7-3 | Email your Senator/RepEmail the bill sponsor |